WHO COVID-19 App To Have Contact Tracking Early Access On Google Play Store


World Health Organization is battling the COVID-19 crisis and along with it, the loaded misinformation. While urging people worldwide to maintain social distance and keep washing their hands, WHO is also asking people to avoid spreading misinformation. This is why the organization launched a dedicated COVID-19 app for Android, iOS, and the web.

The new app, currently set to be launched under the name “WHO MyHealth,” was originally proposed by a team of volunteer experts that have formed what they’re calling the “WHO Covid App Collective.” The team consists of former Google and Microsoft employees as well as WHO advisors and ambassadors, along with other industry experts.


According to the current development roadmap, the group plans for the first, early version of the WHO MyHealth app to launch on both Android and iOS on Monday, March 30th. However, as the WHO app is being built as open source, we were able to get hands-on with an early work-in-progress version of the app, which primarily consists of the same COVID-19 related advice found in the organization’s recent WhatsApp chatbot.



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